Sleep Schedules for Heading Back to School

Jul 19, 2022 | Children's Health

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Part of getting ready for heading back to school is reestablishing a good sleep routine. 

With the longer days of summer and more flexible schedules it’s very easy to slip into habits that just aren’t sustainable once class is back in session. Check out our tips to get your scholars well rested and ready to conquer the classroom.

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need?

Sleep needs vary by age. All kids are different, but the general recommendations are:

Many kids aren’t sleeping as much as they should for their best health. With early school start times, this means bedtime should be between 7 and 8 p.m. for younger children, and 8 or 9 p.m. for older kids.

Restore the Routine

Good sleep habits can make a huge difference for students’ success, and a solid bedtime routine is key to kids’ health and well-being.

  • Establish and maintain a regular bedtime. Offer heads-up to start the wind-down a half hour before lights out, and again 10 minutes beforehand.
  • Create a routine that includes washing up, brushing teeth, reading or listening to quiet music. We have a playlist for that – check out our Sleepy Time Tunes on Spotify.
  • Shut off the screens at least an hour before bedtime. Consider removing all devices from bedrooms (including yours – grown-ups need good sleep routines too!). 
  • Encourage older kids and teens to self-regulate and stick to a bedtime to allow for all the sleep they need for their age.

More Resources

Parents may often struggle to get our kids to fall and stay asleep. Listen to our ParentingU podcast episode in which sleep specialist Jessica Brown, DO, and pediatrician Ashley Lucas, MD, discuss normal sleep cycles, sleep issues and tips to help your children develop good sleep practices. 

The pediatric sleep team at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital offers state-of-the-art sleep medicine to Louisiana’s children.

Your child’s pediatrician can help address all their wellness needs, including sleep. Before the school bell rings, get ready for back-to-school with your child’s annual checkup. 

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