Being Active Articles

It Only Takes 11 Minutes of Moderate Exercise Per Day to Be Healthier

You probably already know that regular exercise is important for good health. You might have also heard that the gold standard is 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Although this is still true, there’s good news if you’re one of the many people who find it...

Not Following a Running Program? Why You May Need One

If you think running increases your risk of osteoarthritis, think again. Researchers found that recreational runners have a lower risk for knee and hip arthritis than people who sit most of the day. The key to going from sitting on the couch to running a 5K without...

When to Use Heat or Ice for Muscle Aches or Injuries

Both heat and ice can be used to help minor injuries heal faster. Learn when it’s best to use heat or ice.

Desk-Friendly Stretches to Improve Your Mood and Productivity

Sitting at a desk all day and typing for most of it can cause all sorts of aches and pains. In addition to making sure your workstation is ergonomically designed and taking plenty of walk breaks, you can regularly stretch your body to keep yourself limber. Studies...