Women’s Health Articles

The Power of Primary Care

Take the first step to take care of your health and start a relationship with a primary care provider. It’s incredibly important. That’s the message from podcast guest Lauren Barfield, MD, senior medical director of adult primary care for our health system and...

Why Every Woman Needs Both a PCP and an OB-GYN

Regular check-ins with an OB-GYN are essential for women’s health. But we also know women have other medical concerns that need to be addressed. You are more than the sum of your lady parts. Even with regular well-woman exams, annual primary care visits are important...

5 Reasons You Need a PCP, Especially if You’re a Woman

Welcome to the world of adulting, where taking charge of your health becomes essential.  You may have heard the term "PCP" or "GP” floating around the healthcare space. Primary care physician, or PCP, simply means a doctor who handles your general health needs, from...

Considering Natural Childbirth? Here’s What You Need to Know

“Natural” childbirth is defined differently by different people, but the goal of all childbirth is the same: healthy mom, healthy baby and a good experience for both. Katherine Greene, CNM, and Mary Jazayeri, WHNP, CNM, certified nurse midwives at Our Lady of Lourdes...