The college health articles below are designed for students who need to navigate their healthcare while also focusing on the college experience. It’s a great resource for parents, too, who want to help point their college-age children in the right direction for wellness and good health.
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Roommate Under the Weather? 7 Tips to Stay Healthy in Close Quarters
College life comes with a lot of perks, but living in close quarters with a roommate can also mean sharing more than just snacks and study sessions — especially when...
Keep Your Dorm Clean: 8 Tips for a Fresh and Tidy College Life
Welcome to dorm life — a place where freedom, fun and, let’s face it, a bit of messiness collide. Whether you’re a first-time college student excited about your new...
Primary Care is for Everyone
Your primary care provider is more than just a healthcare professional — they can become your health’s best friend, guiding you every step of your healthcare journey....
The Power of Primary Care
Take the first step to take care of your health and start a relationship with a primary care provider. It’s incredibly important. That’s the message from podcast guest...
5 Reasons You Need a PCP, Especially if You’re a Woman
Welcome to the world of adulting, where taking charge of your health becomes essential. You may have heard the term "PCP" or "GP” floating around the healthcare space....
Sudden Wrist Pain? Might Be Smartphone Tendonitis
More than 6.4 billion people throughout the world own smartphones, making it easy to stay connected. While there are many benefits to smartphone use, it can also pose...
Rethink the Energy Drinks with Healthier Alternatives
Energy drinks are everywhere these days. What was a niche drink a few decades ago has blossomed into a huge industry that rivals the soda industry on store shelves. ...
Five Tips to Strengthen Your Mental Health
It’s OK to not be OK. While the stigma around seeking mental healthcare may still exist, hopefully it is lessening. Lauren Groves, DO, psychiatrist with Our Lady of...
Reducing Mental Health Stigma
Feelings of worry, anxiety, depression and isolation have only been amplified since the pandemic. This impacts everyone, including the millions of Americans living with...
Mindfulness For a Better Life
Our modern lives are full of activities, obligations, and deadlines. It’s easy to feel anxious or even experience some depression. When these feelings become...
Celebrate Mardi Gras in Style and Good Health
We love to let the good times roll, especially this time of year. Catch Some Beads When you head out to the parades with a plan to catch a lot of throws, remember to...
A Parent’s Guide to Energy Drinks
Energy drinks are everywhere these days. What was a niche drink a few decades ago has blossomed into a huge industry that rivals the soda industry on store shelves....