Carson’s Journey with Child Life Services 

Nov 17, 2023 | Patient Stories

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In the heart of every child beats a rhythm of dreams, laughter and boundless curiosity. For 8-year-old Carson Fremin and his family, life took a sudden, terrifying turn when his playful giggles were drowned out by agonizing pain.  

It was a Friday afternoon when Carson’s parents, Bailey and Kyle, noticed something was amiss. The stomachache that initially seemed trivial became a prelude to a serious experience that would challenge the family in unimaginable ways. 

As they rushed to the emergency room, the Fremins had no inkling of the incredible support that awaited them at Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s & Children’s Hospital. It was there that they encountered our Child Life Program. 

Carson, a vibrant boy with a penchant for sports and a heart as expansive as the sky, faced an ordeal that could have shattered his spirit. Yet, thanks to our Child Life Program, his journey through diagnosis, surgery and recovery became a testament to his resilience. 

Diagnosis Meets Surgical Expertise 

When Carson’s pain escalated, the medical team swiftly stepped in. Tests were run, X-rays taken and in the midst of confusion, a dedicated team, led by pediatric general surgeon Deiadra Garrett, MD, uncovered the source of Carson’s agony – a rare, ominous mass called ganglionaroma.  

As Bailey and Kyle grappled with this daunting diagnosis, Laurel, a Certified Child Life specialist, entered their lives and became a beacon of light in the midst of a storm. Her expertise and kindness bridged the gap between medical jargon and a scared child’s understanding. 

Child Life: A Lifeline for Families 

Child Life isn’t just a service; it’s a lifeline that transforms fear into understanding, uncertainty into knowledge and pain into resilience. Through play, education, and unwavering support, Laurel helped Carson navigate the complexities of his illness.

From explaining medical procedures with stuffed animals to painting a vivid picture of the operating room, she empowered Carson, encouraging his bravery and strength. 

Carson’s story isn’t just about overcoming illness; it’s a testament to the power of community, compassion and programs like Child Life. Philanthropy makes this invaluable, non-billable service possible, making the hospital a not-so-scary place for our youngest patients through play, age-appropriate preparation, education and self-expression activities.  

Learn more about how our health system supports the communities we are privileged to serve, including Child Life services.

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