Fathers and Their Families Across Our Health System

Jun 13, 2023 | Team Member Spotlights

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Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with your dad? Across our health system, we have many daughters and sons who do just that. For Father’s Day we’ve gathered some of their stories. 

Tommy Greene and Aimee G. Howard

Greene and Howard

Tommy Greene, interim Senior Director of Pharmacy for Our Lady of the Lake Health, and his daughter, Aimee G. Howard, director of grants and sponsored programs at FranU, have worked together since 2011. Aimee started two weeks before her dad! They answered these questions together.

Aimee began her career in human resources at Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center and transitioned to FranU in fall 2013. Tommy began as staff pharmacist in oncology and moved on as supervisor of infusion, pharmacy director of integrated operations before his current role. When Aimee was in college they worked together for the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, so they’ve had the privilege of working together for almost 14 years in all.

Do you eat lunch together?    

We used to and we miss it! Our go-to’s were the cafeteria and Subway. Now, working for two different ministries makes that more difficult.

Do you ever carpool together?

Tommy is an early bird, and Aimee has never been a morning person – carpooling would never work. 

Aimee, what is it like working with your father?

I’ve always felt a sense of pride when I hear “I met your dad today.” That comment is usually followed by a litany of compliments about his genuine kindness, willingness to help and hardworking nature, qualities that have earned him much deserved respect among colleagues and friends. It’s been exciting to watch his career flourish at Our Lady of the Lake.

Kevin Meyers; Taylor Laporte, RN, BSN; and Katherine LeBlanc


Kevin, director of supply chain services at Our Lady of Lourdes Health, has worked here since 1991. His daughters, Taylor and Katherine, followed in his footsteps and joined our ministry in 2018 and 2020, respectively. Taylor works in the ICU at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center, and Katherine works as a manager at an adult primary care clinic. They answered our questions about what it’s like to work together.

Who started working here first?        

Katherine: My dad has been here WAY longer than I have. Dad would use the saying “What would St. Francis do?” all the time when we were growing up. It is a great experience that I am now able to try live out what St. Francis would do in our health system every day.  

Do you eat lunch together?    

Kevin: Yes, but not very often because Taylor needs to get back to the unit to care for her patients, and Katherine spends most of her time at her off-site clinics.  But when they are available, I get the call to meet them in the cafeteria to buy lunch.

Katherine: One of the clinics I manage is the internal medicine clinic in the Park Place building. When I am on campus, Dad and I eat lunch together in the cafeteria. I must be ready to eat early, Dad likes to be the first one in the cafeteria at 11 a.m. on the dot, lol. Due to Taylor’s shift, we do not see each other much at work.

Taylor and Katherine, overall, what is it like working with your father?

Taylor: It’s pretty cool because most people around the hospital who know my dad recognize me and say “oh, you’re Kevin’s daughter.”  

Katherine: I love working with Dad. It’s great to have a resource when I need to call and get his opinion, or even have a quick lunch date. This also means I have big shoes to fill 😊.

Kevin, overall, what is it like working with your daughters?   

It’s great.  We do not cross paths very often, but I am very proud of both of them.  We have all been very fortunate to work for a wonderful organization.

Any advice for other families out there who work together? 

Katherine: It’s a blessing to be able to work in the same organization as Dad and Taylor. Not everyone gets to say that they work for the same organization. It feels like home. 

Do you have a favorite memory or story about your time working together or of your work for the health system in general?  

Taylor: Dad has been working for Lourdes since we were children. I remember him bringing us to “bring your children to work day” and summer camp.  

Anything else you would like to share?  

Taylor: We are a close-knit family. We are all together any chance we can get. Life is short, and it’s such a blessing to be able to see Dad or Taylor in the hallway for a quick “hey, how’s it going?”

Clinton Breland, CPT, and Rev. Scott Breland

Father and Son

Clinton Breland, CPT, respiratory therapist, and his son, The Rev. Scott Breland, pastoral care associate, have worked together for about a year and a half at Our Lady of the Angels Hospital. They answered these questions together.

Rev. Scott, overall, what is it like working with your father?

As a child some of my fondest memories was getting to see my dad at the hospital. Now that we are colleagues it is very special for me. 

Clinton, overall, what is it like working with your son?   

My son is a full-time pastor; I never thought our paths would cross as hospital employees. However, having him work at Our Lady of the Angels with me is a dream come true. 

Any advice for other families out there who work together?

Never take any circumstance or special occasion for granted. Always cherish every moment you have together whether at work or at home. 

Do you have a favorite memory or story about your time working together or of your work for the health system in general?   

Rev. Scott: We don’t often work the same shift. However, one of my first shifts, my dad happened to be working. We were able to get a picture together. This is a moment I will always cherish. 

Anything else you would like to share?

It is a joy that we get to serve the people of Washington Parish and beyond at Our Lady of the Angels Hospital. We might work in different areas, but we all have one focus. To meet the needs of our patients.

John Jackson and Alexis Jackson


John and Alexis love working and have been making memories together for the past two years at St. Dominic’s. John works in the hospital’s facility department, and Alexis is a part-time team member in our gift shop. 

Do you eat lunch together?

Yes, every day when Alexis works.

If so, where do you go?

The St. Dominic cafeteria

Alexis, what is it like working with your father?

It is very fun working with my dad. It is nice always having a lunch partner. It is also fun when he comes by the gift shop, and my co-workers get to joke around with him. They tell me he is like their dad too, and they have nicknamed him “Pops.”

John, what’s it like working with your daughter?

Making the best memories as possible.

Any advice for other families out there who work together?

Alexis: My advice for other families that work together is to enjoy being able to see your family while at work. A lot of people only see their family after coming home from a long day at work when they are tired. They do not get to spend much time with them. It is nice getting to spend our commute together, catching up and spending time together.

Do you have a favorite memory or story about your time working together?

Alexis: Since we work in different departments, we mainly only see each other at lunch. My favorite memory was the last day of the summer before heading back to school last year my dad brought me lunch from the cafeteria. He had written on it “I love you boo.”

Anything else you would like to share?

Alexis: Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers at FMOLHS!

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