Janie Lepine, BSN, RN, CNOR

Oct 18, 2023 | Team Member Spotlights

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For Janie Lepine, BSN, RN, CNOR, her 45-year career at Our Lady of the Lake extends a family legacy dating back to her mother.

As a young nurse, Lepine chose Our Lady of the Lake to start her career because she was inspired to follow in her mother’s footsteps.

 Her mother, Marjorie Perdue, was a long-time team member and served as a director for Our Lady of the Lake’s surgical services.

“While I started here because of my mom, I stayed because I am dedicated to our mission,” Lepine says. She feels pride in the 100-year history of healing that Our Lady of the Lake has in the Baton Rouge community and is pleased by the growth the ministry has seen throughout her tenure.

A Hall-of-Fame Nurse

Today, Lepine serves as a registered nurse in the operating room at the regional medical center. She has had the opportunity to circulate in different areas of the operating room, which has contributed to building her expertise throughout her career.

Her guidance and work ethic are valued by her team and leaders and landed her a spot in the ministry’s Nurse Hall of Fame during Nurses’ Week.

“That was a special memory for me since I was nominated by my coworkers,” Lepine recalls.

Empowered to Focus on What’s Important

Lepine has experienced several life milestones while working at Our Lady of the Lake.

As a young nurse, her focus was on progressing and gaining experience and has shifted as she accomplished her goals. She also experienced becoming a mother, a caregiver for her own mother and now a grandmother all while working at Our Lady of the Lake.

“My priorities have definitely shifted throughout my career and having the opportunity to work full-time, part-time or PRN based on my life circumstances has been beneficial to me.”

As a more seasoned professional, Lepine now focuses on teaching and mentoring those just starting out. One of her favorite parts of her job is being able to help others flourish in their jobs.

“I have an opportunity every day to teach my patients, coworkers and students best practices,” she shares. Passing down the lessons learned is an important part of ensuring the best patient experience.

Reflecting on the Years

As she celebrates this milestone, Lepine reflects on what’s been the most treasured part of her time at Our Lady of the Lake.

“I value the people I’ve worked with over the years most of all. I have worked with wonderful people and formed lifelong relationships,” she says.

She has found satisfaction in knowing the difference that she has made in creating a positive surgical experience for all her patients.

During October, our health system celebrates team member anniversaries, recognizing those who have achieved milestone years of service within our organization. We will be featuring team members across our ministry all month long!

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