Judy Goodwin, MLS, SBB (ASCP)

Oct 12, 2022 | Team Member Spotlights

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When people ask Judy Goodwin, MLS, SBB (ASCP), how long she has worked at St. Francis Medical Center, she has to remind herself it has been 45 years. 

To her, it doesn’t feel like that long, but she says time flies when you love what you do. Goodwin is supervisor for the blood bank at the medical center in Monroe.

How Things Have Changed

Goodwin remembers her early years working in the blood bank when everything was done manually, and team members in the blood bank started all the IVs for transfusions.

“We were actually one of only a few hospitals in the country that used this method at the time,” Goodwin recalls. “I learned a lot about the patient and nurse side of my job that I never would have understood otherwise.”

One thing that has remained the same for Goodwin is the focus on giving patients the best care possible.

Getting Started in Healthcare

Goodwin’s career in healthcare was not planned. When given the opportunity to join the St. Francis Health team, Goodwin felt God lead her in this direction and it felt right.

“I liked what I was doing here,” Goodwin says. “It made me feel like I was making a difference, maybe a small one, but still a difference.”

Goodwin’s advice to people starting a career in healthcare is to always do what is best for the patient, not what is easiest for yourself.

Over the Years

In the beginning, Goodwin was nervous about starting her first job but was determined to succeed.

“I was so eager to learn about my field that I read everything I could about current practices and technology,” Goodwin says. “I had two excellent supervisors that also taught me so much.”

She believes a good work environment is an important aspect of growing in your career.

“Over my 45 years, I have worked with some great people and made lifelong friends,” she says. “My area, the lab, has become my extended family.”

When asked what’s next for her career, Goodwin answers, “I am well over retirement age, but I think working keeps you active. I have a few more good years of work in me!”

During October, our health system celebrates team member anniversaries, recognizing those who have achieved milestone years of service within our organization. We will be featuring team members across our ministry all month long!

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