Kala Fernandez-McCartney

Oct 2, 2023 | Team Member Spotlights

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Physician practice manager Kala Fernandez-McCartney shares her Spanish roots and the influence it has had on her life.

Fernandez-McCartney has been a part of our health system for nine years and serves as a physician practice manager in Livingston. She manages a large family medicine clinic with nine providers.

Combining the Spanish and American Cultures

Fernandez-McCartney’s grandfather, Joseph Fernandez, was born in Spain and migrated to the U.S. where he established his family roots more than 80 years ago. Since then, their family has integrated into the American culture, but they still practice some of the Spanish heritage, which remains very present in their food and the way they celebrate family gatherings.

Fernandez-McCartney shares, “Christmas is always big in our family. We have a party on the same day every year and everyone already knows what dish they need to make.”

Pursuing a Career of Empathy

Fernandez-McCartney says her empathetic nature influenced her decision in pursuing a career in healthcare. “I have always been empathetic when it comes to others,” she says. “I see issues and immediately want to help or fix the issues. I found a place where I can make a change in healthcare.”

An Inclusive Organization

“I love that we have a program that recognizes other cultures, and it allows us to celebrate our culture with others around us,” Fernandez-McCartney says about our DEI initiatives.

Our DEI Commitment

Our ministry’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion supports culturally competent care education for our team members all year long, especially during Hispanic Heritage Month each September.

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