Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with your spouse? Across our health system we have many married couples who work in our ministry.
For Valentine’s Day we’ve gathered some of their stories and asked their advice for other couples who work together:
Love at Our Lady of Lourdes: Trayton and Sadie Broussard

Trayton and Sadie Broussard both work at Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s & Children’s Hospital. Sadie is a business operations project manager for the Lourdes Physician Group, and Trayton works in Information Services as a supervisor of PC Support. Read the Q&A with Sadie below to find out more about their story and the advice they’d give to other couples who work together.
Q. How long have you two been together?
13 years
Q. Did you meet at work, or did you know each other before?
We met at work, but not at Lourdes. We previously worked together at LHC Group. We worked in different companies for a few years before he joined me over here at Lourdes.
Q. How long have you worked together?
We’ve worked together for about nine years in total.
Q. Do you carpool to work?
We used to before we had kids, but now that kids are in the mix, it’s more of a challenge to carpool. Now we take turns on who will sit in car rider line in the mornings and who gets to come into work earlier.
If so, what do you normally listen to?
When we take family trips, we tend to listen to really high beat pop music. The kids love it!
Q. Do you eat lunch together?
We do ???? Almost every day. It’s our little midday check-in to see how our days are going so far. And it’s a quiet time to eat and chat since our evenings are busy with the kids.
If so, what is your go-to place?
I meal prep my meals each week, so we eat in the cafeteria or in the kitchenette in our suite. If we get a chance to leave for lunch, you’d probably catch us at Newk’s!
Q. Overall, what is it like working together?
We really enjoy it! In addition to the lunches together, it’s nice to randomly run into each other during the day if we are in the same place at the same time. It’s also nice to have my own IT support on speed dial ????
Q. Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together?
We are a team at home as well as at work. Our advice to others would be to respect each other and support each other while at work. It’s definitely not for everyone, but if your career paths bring you together in the same company, enjoy it while you can.
Love at St. Francis: Michael and Tara Brown

Michael and Tara Brown have been married for 22 years. Michael, a nurse practitioner and manager in the Occupational Medicine Clinic, has been working at St. Francis Medical Center since 2005. His wife Tara, a pharmacy tech, was looking for a change in early 2022 and saw a job opening at RxONE on Tower Drive. Read the Q&A with Michael below to find out more about their story and how they enjoy working for the same organization.
Q. How long have you two been together?
We’ll be married 23 years on March 18, 2023, and we dated for 2 years before getting married.
Q. Did you meet at work or did you know each other before?
We were both in college and met through a mutual friend.
Q. How did you meet?
Dec 31, 1996: I was about to start my last semester of nursing school. At a New Year’s Eve party, I was told that she saw me with my New York Yankees hat on backwards and she knew right then that she was going to marry me one day.
I was in a long distance “relationship” with someone else at the time. Tara and I hit it off and were instantly best friends. I realized quickly that she was my soul mate. I proposed to her on 09/09/1999 at 9pm. We were married on 03/18/2000.
Q. How long have you worked together?
Just about one year.
Q. Do you carpool to work?
Haha, no we do not. I have to be at work at 7:45/8:00. She has to be at work at 9 a.m. She gets to sleep in a little longer than me. You feel the jealousy that I am exuding.
Q. If so, what do you normally listen to?
If we ride together she likes country. I like listening to Fox News.
Q. Do you eat lunch together?
Our schedules are so different; we rarely get to.
Q. Overall, what is it like working together?
We do love working together at least for the same company. We love serving the community and carrying on the mission of St. Francis and the Sisters. We love our jobs and are very happy to be part of this organization.
Q. Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together?
Try to leave work at work and home at home. It’s difficult to do sometimes, because we are each other’s “person” when we need to vent. When needed we do discuss our problems but very minimally.
Love at St. Dominic’s: Willie and Rosie Davis

Willie and Rosie Davis met at St. Dominic’s 25 years ago and have been together since then. Rosie is a daycare teacher and Willie is a security guard. Read the Q&A with Rosie about their story and the advice they’d give to other couples who work together.
Q. How long have you two been together?
We have been together for 25 years.
Q. Did you meet at work or did you know each other before?
We met at St. Dominic’s.
Q. How did you meet?
We met when the Child Care Center was being renovated to St. Thomas Hall on the North Campus, where Willie was the Security Officer.
Q. How long have you worked together?
I have worked at St. Dominic for 30 years, and Willie has worked for 44 years.
Q. Do you carpool to work? If so, what do you normally listen to?
Sometimes we carpool, mostly when streets are icy, and we listen to gospel music.
Q. Do you eat lunch together?
We have different lunch breaks, so we can’t have lunch together. I bring my lunch, if not Willie will bring my lunch.
Q. Overall, what is it like working together?
Overall, it’s nice working together.
Q. Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together?
The advice I would share with other couples is to prioritize God, family, and work. God first, because He makes all thing possible. Family – keep your family business at home with your family. Work is important, but it should never be at the expense of your family.
A Couple of Coworkers: Michelle and Michael Danos

This couple “carpools to the coffee pot” at their home office!
Michael and Michelle Danos are a “couple of coworkers” who work right across from each other at their home office. Michelle works as a recruiter for our health system while Michael works as a help desk technician. Read about why they LOVE working so close to each other (which is an anomaly according to Michelle).
Q. How long have you two been together?
Michelle: For eight years! We met in November of 2014, got engaged in March of 2015, and got married in November of 2015!
Michael: We have been together for about eight years.
Q. Did you meet at work or did you know each other before?
Michelle: We knew each other before! I started working in November of 2021 and Michael started in July of 2022!
Michael: We knew each other before both joining FMOLHS.
Q. How did you meet?
Michelle: We met in college; we actually had the same group of friends but somehow never crossed paths until that group planned a trip to Disney World, so we met a few months before the trip.
Michael: Mutual friends were planning a Disney World vacation, and they invited both of us.
Q. How long have you worked together?
Michelle: Six months!
Michael: We’ve been working together at FMOLHS for about six months now.
Q. Do you carpool to work?
Michelle: We both work from home right now, so our desks face each other.
Michael: We both work from home currently, but we carpool to the coffee pot.
Q. If so, what do you normally listen to?
Michelle: We listen to a smorgasbord of music, and sometimes I make him listen to a true crime podcast!
Q. Do you eat lunch together?
Michelle: We eat lunch together most of the time… In the living room on our matching rockers!
Michael: We try to eat lunch together when possible.
If so, what is your go-to place?
Michelle: If we get lunch out it’s usually something quick like sushi.
Michael: Our fridge.
Q. Overall, what is it like working together?
Michelle: I absolutely love it! There’s nothing better than working side by side and having moments of laughter and conversation.
Michael: It’s amazing. It gives us more time together, and we get to just talk throughout the day between work tasks. These are hours that, before we worked together, were just lost.
Q. Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together?
Michelle: Get a really good headset so your meeting doesn’t pick up your spouse talking. We went through five different headsets and finally landed on the Voyager Focus 2. I highly recommend them! Also….laughing, always laugh — it’s good for the soul and great when things get crazy while working!
Michael: A piece of advice I have is to always have moments to laugh together and maintain solid communication.
Love at St. Dominic’s: John and Dana Watson

John and Dana Watson both work at St. Dominic Hospital. John is a medical staff IT coordinator and Dana is a credentialing coordinator for medical staff services. Read about their love story and their advice for couples who work in the same place!
Q. How long have you two been together?
We dated for five and a half years and have been married 30 years in May.
Q. Did you meet at work or did you know each other before?
We met at Millsaps College in 1987.
Q. How did you meet?
We met at a fraternity Halloween party.
Q. How long have you worked together?
John began working in IT at St. D in 1997 while I began part-time in pastoral care in 2009.
Q. Do you carpool to work?
No, John doesn’t get up early enough to come in with me. ????
Q. Do you eat lunch together?
We’ve only eaten together a handful of times – shortly after I started working at St. D, I ran into John and some of his co-workers. He commented on his “worlds” (home and work) colliding, so I guess that explains it. lol
Q. Overall, what is it like working together?
For the first time since we have both worked here, we do have some overlap in our jobs. It’s kind of nice having my own IS person. ????
Q. Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together? John’s response:
Keep a decent amount of separation between home and work life and always tease ???? your spouse in the hallways
Love at St. Francis: Sarah and Mike Mills

This couple works together in the same unit! Read the inspiring story about how they’ve worked together for 35 years – almost as long as their relationship. Read about their story in the Q&A with Sarah below!
Q. How long have you two been together?
36 years
Q. Did you meet at work or did you know each other before?
We met while I was working at a hospital in Ruston and Mike was working SFMC
Q. How did you meet?
Mike came to Ruston to pick up pediatric patient for PICU. I was the therapist on duty in Ruston and we hit it off immediately. He suggested I come work at SFMC because I was very interested in working NICU-PICU.
Q. How long have you worked together?
Will be 35 years this June!
Q. Do you carpool to work?
Yes we do!!!
Q. If so, what do you normally listen to?
We listen to XM Radio, usually R&B and light rock! Lots of 70s and 80s hits!!
Q. Do you eat lunch together?
If our schedules allow it.
Q. If so, what is your go-to place?
Usually 7th-floor satellite on Specialty.
Q. Overall, what is it like working together?
Working together is a great experience. We know the skills of each other and play off of one another. We both feel very secure together because we have each other’s backs, as well as those whom we work with. We strongly believe in working as a team. It makes tasks flow more efficiently and provides better care for all. We recently took part in a very unusual occurrence at work where we had a team of five therapists, four to six RNs, four NNPs and one neonatologist. It could’ve been a hair-raising experience, but it flowed with ease. Teamwork was the key to its success, and we are very proud of our part in that success.
Q. Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together?
Communication is always key to a successful relationship. Not every day will be a great one, and sometimes life gets so hectic that you can’t see the good parts, even though they are there. Slow down and reflect to see the big picture. We have had plenty of ups and downs throughout our marriage, but communication, understanding, and a deep-abiding love for each other and the life you built together will help carry you on. We will celebrate 35 years of marriage this year, and we are both very proud of that fact, and we keep striving to make our marriage more successful every day.
Love at Our Lady of Lourdes: Paul and Valerie Lebas

From the classroom to the office, this couple has been through it all! Paul and Valerie Lebas have been serving for many years as physical therapists at Our Lady of Lourdes Women’s & Children’s Hospital campus. Paul and Valerie’s story started in PT school and they’ve worked together on and off throughout their careers. Read on to learn more about this couple!
Q. How long have you two been together?
Together since 1993. Married since October 1995.
Q. Did you meet at work, or did you know each other before?
We knew each other before we worked here.
Q. How did you meet?
We met in Physical Therapy School.
Q. How long have you worked together?
We have been working at Women’s & Children’s for 11 years this February, but we have worked together on and off throughout our careers.
Q. Do you carpool to work?
If so, what do you normally listen to?
80s and 90s on Sirus XM. We sing along!
Q. Do you eat lunch together?
Every day
If so, what is your go-to place?
Cafeteria or Honey-Baked Ham
Q. Overall, what is it like working together?
Overall, it is a good experience. We play off each other’s strengths to help each other with patients and work responsibilities.
Q. Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together?
Don’t take yourself too seriously. Be quick to forgive and slow to get mad. Marriage is not 50/50; sometimes you must give 100% when they can only give 0% and that’s OK. Be ready to give your partner what they need.
Love at Our Lady of the Lake Northshore:
Lauren McManus, MD, and Brian McManus, MD

Lauren and Brian met while in undergrad at LSU and recently joined Our Lady of the Lake Northshore in August. Read about their story in the Q&A with Lauren below!
Q: How long have you two been together?
We’ve been together since 2009. We met in undergrad at LSU in Baton Rouge, where we lived in the same dorm with other students majoring in biology. We got married in 2016. We both attended LSU New Orleans for medical school, and completed our residencies at UMMC in Jackson, MS. I finished in 2019, and Brian finished in 2022. I stayed on as faculty at UMMC until he completed his training, so we continued to work at the same hospital until we moved to Louisiana and joined Our Lady of the Lake Northshore in August of 2022.
Q: How did you meet?
We are both self-proclaimed nerds and had joined a biology boot camp at LSU. The very first day we were grouped together at the same round table out of about 300 people. It was love at first sight.
Q: How long have you worked together?
Unfortunately, we’ve never gotten to work directly with one another, but we enjoy sharing medical knowledge, offering each other advice on challenges and discussing new treatment options.
Q: Overall, what is it like working together?
We don’t see the same patients or work in the same office, but because we’re both physicians we can understand the difficult decisions and stress, and we have similar work ethic. We each have tough days, but the tough days are overshadowed by so many great days where we’re able to help patients and feel like we’re making a difference in people’s lives.
Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together?
We have two daughters now, Macy (2) and Hannah (11 months). Life is super busy, so my advice would be to force yourself to make time for each other on a regular basis and make each other feel special when you get that one-on-one time. You’ll have to ask for help from family or friends, and that’s okay. Also try to eat dinner together on most nights, with or without the kids, and just live in each moment.
Love at Our Lady of the Angels: Star and Nelson Page

Star and Nelson have been working together for 28 years at Our Lady of the Angels! Read the Q&A with Star below to find out more about their story and the advice they’d give to other couples who work together.
Q. How long have you two been together?
Nelson and I are both respiratory therapists. He has been a therapist for more than 40 years, and I’m coming up on 28. We both work the night shift together at Our Lady of the Angels with an awesome team beside us. We do vents, asthma, COPD and oxygen management along with arterial line placement, assisting with intubations, code blue, infant delivery and infant resuscitation. Our scope of practice involves all ages from neonatal to geriatric.
Q. How did you meet?
Nelson and I met in Gulfport, MS. He was a respiratory therapist, and I was a nursing assistant at Gulfport Memorial Hospital. We have been together for 38 years. I had every intention of becoming a nurse, but Nelson convinced me to go into respiratory school, and I never looked back!
Q. How long have you worked together?
We have been working side by side, hour by hour for 28 years.
Q. Do you carpool to work? If so, what do you normally listen to?
We usually listen to a Christian station on our way to work, either a sermon or music. We invite God into our day and ask for his guidance when it comes to caring for our patients.
Q. Do you eat lunch together? If so, what is your go-to place?
We do sometimes go out for a burger, tacos, Chinese food or the cafeteria at Our Lady of the Angels. Most of the time I prefer leftovers from home.
Q. Overall, what is it like working together?
I personally have enjoyed working beside Nelson all these years because it’s been a sense of trust. We both know how each other performs and know our roles, so codes go smoothly. Knowing we have each other’s backs is so comforting. Nelson was my preceptor during my clinicals in school. We are supportive of each other by assisting with the workload and giving each other advice to ensure the best care for our patients. Most of all we are best friends and being best friends is probably the only way we’ve been able to work side by side for so long. I’m sure we do get on each other’s nerves, but being busy allows that needed space. I personally wouldn’t want to have done this journey with anyone else!
Q. Any advice you want to share for other couples out there who work together?
The only advice I can give other couples is to be kind, patient, respectful and grateful for the trusted support that you have when working with your spouse.