new mission, same passion: Ashlyn’s leap from teaching to tech

Sep 9, 2024 | Team Member Spotlights

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When Ashlyn joined our health system in November 2021, she didn’t just start a new job. She embarked on an inspiring journey that reshaped her career and enriched her life.

shifting gears in her career

Initially stepping in as a principal trainer for Epic Cupid, a cardiology-focused module within our electronic medical record system, Ashlyn brought with her decades of experience as a high school teacher. 

“I was a teacher for 22 years and taught fun stuff,” Ashlyn says, reflecting on her previous career. She specialized in anatomy, physiology and forensic science.

Despite her passion for teaching, burnout had set in. A chance conversation with a colleague about an analyst position piqued her interest, leading to an unexpected career shift.

“I’ve always believed God puts me where He needs me,” Ashlyn says. “And when they called to offer me the position there was never any doubt in my mind. I knew that was what I was supposed to do. It was probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”

Ashlyn’s background in education helped her seamlessly transition into her new role. Her mission to serve remained constant, only now she was serving end users and colleagues within the health system.

“I feel like my mission has always been to serve,” she says. “The difference is who I serve.”

embracing remote work

Ashlyn’s new career also came with a change in working location. It wasn’t just classroom to office, as many of our information services team members work remotely. For Ashlyn, the shift to remote work was initially daunting because she was accustomed to the bustling environment of a school campus. However, she quickly discovered the unexpected benefits and opportunities it offered.

“Remote collaboration fostered a sense of camaraderie and teamwork among my colleagues,” Ashlyn says. “Despite the physical distance, we remain deeply connected through virtual meetings and shared communication platforms.”

work-life balance 

The flexibility of remote work allowed Ashlyn to manage her personal well-being more effectively, prioritizing both her career and family responsibilities. 

“The amount of attention and importance that the ministry places on whole work-life balance is amazing,” she says.

Unlike her teaching career, where work often bled into evenings and weekends, Ashlyn now more easily finds time for self-care and family, bringing home a smile that her children had longed to see. 

pillar of success: constant learning

In 2023, Ashlyn was promoted from principal trainer to Epic application analyst, marking another significant milestone in her career and affirming her dedication to continuous growth and the support she receives from our health system.

She achieved this in part through continuing education and the comprehensive training provided by our health system.

In April 2023, Ashlyn embarked on a week-long intensive training program at Epic’s campus in Wisconsin. This immersive experience not only equipped her with the technical skills required but also offered invaluable insights into the intricacies of healthcare technology.

The training curriculum was meticulously designed to cover every aspect of the analyst role. From understanding the functionalities of Epic’s various modules to mastering the art of troubleshooting and customization, Ashlyn delved into a wide array of topics essential for her new position.

“It was amazing,” Ashlyn says. “The campus itself was impressive, but the depth of knowledge I gained during those sessions was truly transformative.”

The training didn’t end with in-person sessions. Ashlyn receives ongoing support and resources to reinforce her learning and address any challenges she encounters. Her team played a crucial role in guiding her through her certification process, offering mentorship and assistance whenever needed.

“The support I received from my colleagues was incredible,” Ashlyn says. “They were always there to clarify doubts, provide insights and cheer me on every step of the way.”

Ashlyn successfully obtained her analyst certification in June 2023, marking a significant milestone in her career journey. Armed with newfound expertise and confidence, she was ready to embark on her role as an Epic application analyst, contributing her skills to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery within our health system.

“The learning never stops,” Ashlyn says. “That’s what makes this journey so exhilarating. There’s always something new to explore, new challenges to overcome and new heights to reach.”

listening to connect

Ashlyn’s belief in the importance of listening has been a constant thread across her careers. 

“Listening is the most crucial skill a person can have,” she says. “As a teacher, I learned early on that truly hearing my students’ needs and concerns was essential for creating a supportive learning environment.” Reflecting on her role as an Epic application analyst, Ashlyn knows active listening is also essential.

“It’s about empathy and understanding,” she explains. “When an end user approaches me with an issue or a suggestion, I make it a priority to listen to them without judgment. Every insight they provide is valuable, and by truly hearing them out, I can better tailor solutions to meet their needs.”

In a world where communication often feels rushed and superficial, the commitment to listening stands out. “It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most powerful thing we can do is simply lend an ear and truly listen,” she says.

be prioritized here

Ashlyn recommends the inspiring environment she experiences here. For her, our health system is a place where colleagues support and encourage each other, where learning never stops, and where personal and professional growth are prioritized.

“Take the plunge. Take the chance,” Ashlyn advises anyone considering a career with us. “As much as you invest in this company, you get just as much back in return.”

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