Rani Whitfield, MD

Mar 30, 2022 | Team Member Spotlights

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What is your specialty?

Family Medicine

Why did you choose your specialty?

Family medicine was an easy choice for me. It allows me to see a broad scope of medical issues and meet different people of all ages and races. I am continually challenged to learn and grow as a family physician. The field of family medicine is limitless in the opportunities it creates for me to not only serve in my role as a doctor, but to also serve my community. 

What do you like most about being a doctor?

What I love most about being a doctor is meeting new people, their family members, and building relationships. I have been able to save a life by merely communicating and knowing the patient well.

If you weren’t a doctor, what would you do?

If I weren’t a doctor, I would be a traveling DJ or NBA basketball player! 

How do you ensure your patients feel heard during their visit?

I do my best not to make my patients feel rushed, and I’m not afraid to shed a tear or give a hug when necessary. My patients are like extended family, and when they ask how I’m doing or how my family is doing, that makes me feel good as well. Also, if we can’t address every issue in a visit, we make sure that a follow-up visit is made before that patient leaves the building. I can’t fix every problem, but a patient should always feel better when leaving my office than when they walk in. A big smile goes a very long way.

What is something that people may be surprised to know about you?

I may be known as “The Hip Hop Doc” but what most people don’t know about me is that I truly love Reggae music/Afrobeats. As a DJ, I love to blend/mix Afrobeats music with R&B music. When the crowd is happy, so is the DJ. 

Why did you choose Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group?

I didn’t choose Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group. God chose me. I believe that we all have assignments that God purposed for us during our life here on earth. To live this life, you have to be willing to transform your mindset. During this faith walk with God, I had a choice to consider. I could choose to be in this world, or I could make a difference to be who I am so that I may become whom God purposed me to be. I am evolving every day and with every step I make, I now know to consult with God before making steps further. That’s why I am still here with the Lake Physician Group. God is still working on my blueprint. So that means this assignment is not done until God says: WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT! Until then, I am a willing vessel for God set apart to do His will.

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