Why Establishing a Relationship with a Primary Care Provider is Crucial at Any Age

Jul 3, 2024 | Primary Care

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Getting set up with a primary care provider is the smart move, even if you’re feeling perfectly healthy right now. 

Harry Hawthorne, MD, primary care provider with St. Francis Medical Group who is Board Certified in family medicine, shares insights into why primary care is so important no matter your age in this episode of The Doctor Will Hear You Now.

Discovering the Heart of Family Medicine

Dr. Hawthorne’s career in family medicine was a shift from his original plan. He was set on becoming a surgeon but found his true calling during a primary care rotation.

“I fell in love with it after the first day,” Dr. Hawthorne says. “The relationships you get to build with patients make it quite enjoyable.”

The Lifelong Benefits of Primary Care

As a family medicine provider, Dr. Hawthorne provides care for patients from all walks of life and for multiple generations within families.

“For me, I see patients from two days old to death and everything in between,” he says. “It’s pretty special when you can see grandpa, mom and dad, and kiddos. You get to know the whole family and know everyone’s story.”

Why Young Adults Need Primary Care, Too

You might feel invincible when you’re young, thinking you only need healthcare for the occasional cold or injury. But having a primary care provider matters for everyone because it can help prevent health issues before they start.

“What’s so important about having a primary care doctor is that we’re looking for your screenings,” Dr. Hawthorne says. “We’re looking for problems before they’re noticeable. When you catch an issue early enough, it’s much easier to fix.”

Young people especially may feel like nothing can happen to them and they won’t be sick any time soon. And that’s probably true for most of them.

“But the truth is that sooner or later we’re all going to cross that bridge where something happens,” Dr. Hawthorne says.

When that time comes, Dr. Hawthorne asks, “Would you want that to come from someone you’re meeting for the first time or from someone who’s known you for years and knows your story?”

Comprehensive Healthcare: The Primary Care Approach

Your primary care provider is there for you through those colds, flus and injuries – but also to help you manage chronic conditions.

Primary care providers not only treat immediate health concerns but also support preventive care, identifying potential health issues before they become serious problems. Regular check-ups and screenings can catch conditions like high blood pressure or diabetes early, making them easier to manage and treat.

“I would say our bread and butter is high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes – those are our big three,” Dr. Hawthorne says. “Something very important to keep in mind is that everyone is different. Just because a treatment plan worked for one patient does not mean that same one will work for a different patient.”

Your primary care provider has the unique insight of knowing your history and story to better anticipate how different treatments might affect you.

“We’re here to step back and look at the whole picture and finding a treatment plan that works just for you,” Dr. Hawthorne says.

Listening to What’s Not Being Said

As a primary care provider, Dr. Hawthorne listens for underlying issues – what else could be happening based on what his patients describe. That includes listening for mental health issues such as anxiety and stress, which can spike at any age.

Mental health is a critical component of overall health, and primary care providers are often the first to identify and manage mental health issues.

“It’s a very important part of life, something that we often sweep under the rug, but it affects most people,” Dr. Hawthorne says. When it comes to mental health, Dr. Hawthorne prescribes openness and honesty. 

“Let’s talk about it. It can be uncomfortable,” he says. “But when you do that, you can actually take that step forward to where you can get to a better, healthier life mentally and physically.”

Long-Term Benefits of a Trusted Primary Care Relationship

Investing in a primary care relationship is not just about your health; it’s a financial investment, too. Taking care of your health early is often more cost-effective in the long run.

“If you focus early on what’s causing the root issue, fix it and that can save a patient money, time and add years to their life,” Dr. Hawthorne says. 

Building trust in your primary care relationship is key to its effectiveness. Dr. Hawthorne encourages patients to find someone they feel comfortable with.

“Find someone you can trust that you actually feel open about talking about these problems with and who’s not going to judge or shame you, someone who will work with you to develop a plan,” he says. 

And if the first provider you visit doesn’t click, Dr. Hawthorne says to keep trying.

“If you are not comfortable with somebody, you have every right to go get a second opinion, go see someone else,” he says. “It’s so important to have that trust in whoever you are seeing – physician assistant, nurse practitioner, doctor, whoever your primary care provider is.”

Invest in YOUR Health

Primary care providers play a pivotal role in helping you lead a healthier, longer life. Investing in a strong relationship with a trusted primary care provider is one of the best steps you can take for your health, no matter your age.

Connect with one of our primary care providers today.

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