Healthy Habits for Healthy Breasts

Oct 27, 2021 | Women's Health

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It’s never too early to think about your breast health and take steps to improve your overall health, which decreases your risk of many cancers.

No. 1: Eat Better

Eat more fruits and vegetables and less saturated fat. Women with more fruits and veggies in their daily meals reduce their breast cancer risk by as much as 19%. Less bacon and red meat is associated with better outcomes even for women who have breast cancer.

No. 2: Move More

Active hobbies that keep you moving can be great for your health, including your breast health. Challenge yourself and buy a pedometer or a wearable step counter then work your way up to the recommended 10,000 steps a day.

No. 3: Decrease Alcohol Intake

The American Institute for Cancer Research found that limiting alcohol to one drink a day reduced the risk of breast cancer by as much as one third.

No. 4: Watch Your Weight

Women with a normal body mass index—about 18 to 25—are less likely to have breast health issues, including breast cancer. Daily habits associated with a healthy weight, like eating less processed food, can also lead to better breast health.

No. 5: Don’t Smoke

Smoking is associated with breast cancer as well as other cancers and is extremely unhealthy.

Early detection is key to fighting breast cancer. Learn more about our breast health and imaging services across our health system.

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