Heart Health Articles

Pioneering Heart Rhythm Care in Acadiana

For atrial fibrillation (AFib) patients, it’s “a game-changer.” That’s how Patrich Welch, MD, describes the Medtronic PulseSelect™ Pulsed Field Ablation System, a non-thermal ablation technology that uses electrical pulses instead of heat or freezing. “The procedure...

Geaux Hero: How Listening to His Body Saved Jim’s Life

At 59, Jim Teague, BS, SBB (ASCP), was healthy, active and had no reason to expect a heart attack. As senior director of core laboratory and blood services at Our Lady of the Lake Health, Jim has spent more than a decade ensuring patients get fast, accurate test...

Protecting the Heart While Fighting Cancer

When facing cancer, patients and their doctors focus on beating the disease. But what happens when the very treatments that save lives also put the heart at risk? That’s where Tara Jarreau, MD, Baton Rouge’s leading cardio-oncologist with Our Lady of the Lake Cancer...

Redefining Excellence in Cardiothoracic Surgery

Excellence drives everything Sarah Ahmad, MD, does as a cardiothoracic surgeon at St. Francis Health in Monroe.   For Dr. Ahmad, providing world-class care isn’t just about mastering surgical techniques — it’s about creating an environment where patients feel...