Lenten Spiritual Disciplines for Health and Wellness

Feb 28, 2022 | Spirit

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The season of Lent is a journey within the Christian calendar, the 40 days plus six Sundays leading up to Easter.

That liturgical season is primarily focused on the process of spiritual growth, movement from one state of being to another, movement from one point of view to another or, perhaps, from one interpretation of life to another.

When we think of Lent, we often think about giving up something – maybe no chocolate for 40 days or refraining from alcohol or coffee. Abstaining from meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays is a regular part of the season. But there’s also an opportunity to pick up a new habit or form a spiritual discipline.

Either of these perspectives can lead to health and wellness gains, whether that’s refreshing your diet, adding in additional physical activity or something else to help keep yourself on an even keel. Your physical and emotional health are linked, so being intentional about your spiritual journey can lead to better health overall.

Ideas for what you can give up for Lent:

  • Foods that don’t make you feel your best, perhaps avoid anything overly indulgent or simply pass on desserts for the season
  • Beating yourself up when things don’t go according to plan
  • Watching intense or triggering TV or movies
  • Gossip
  • Social media

Ideas for what you might add for Lent:

Lent is a season of grief that ends with the great celebration of Easter. We wish you a meaningful Lenten journey.

Mindfulness can be an important part of any wellness plan. Read blog posts about mindfulness here.

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