Aug 3, 2021 | Children's Health
Feeding frequently and on demand in the early days of a baby’s life is the best way to ensure a plentiful milk supply. Your baby is letting your body know just how much he or she needs, and laying the “groundwork” for when your milk increases! Once your milk...
Jul 30, 2021 | Children's Health
Breastfeeding should not be painful! If you are having pain during feedings, the most likely cause is a shallow latch. This means the baby is “pinching” your nipple and not getting enough breast into his or her mouth. This, in turn will result in baby getting less...
Jul 28, 2021 | Children's Health
Returning to work is a big change in routine, but with thoughtful planning and preparation, it can lead to a long and special breastfeeding relationship, which is a great way for you and baby to stay connected as you spend more time apart. In preparation for your...