Horace Benoit Jr.

Horace Benoit Jr.

Horace Benoit Jr. operating room case technician at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center, never thought he would work for 55 years but is happy to be celebrating another milestone anniversary.  In the Beginning Benoit’s first day of work was at the original Our...
Overcoming Breast Cancer Day by Day

Overcoming Breast Cancer Day by Day

Brooke LeBlanc was only 30 years old when she received her breast cancer diagnosis, despite having no family history of the disease. She was a breastfeeding mom, and her second son was only four months old. She and her family were days away from moving home to...
Bennig G. Sevilla 

Bennig G. Sevilla 

Known as “Paris,” Bennig G. Sevilla has lived in the U.S. since she was 10 after spending her early childhood in La-Seiba, Honduras.  Sevilla works in nutritional services at Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center. She’s been with our system for five years. ...