Sleep Schedules for Heading Back to School

Sleep Schedules for Heading Back to School

Part of getting ready for heading back to school is reestablishing a good sleep routine.  With the longer days of summer and more flexible schedules it’s very easy to slip into habits that just aren’t sustainable once class is back in session. Check out our tips to...
8 Questions Our Men’s Health Physicians Hear Most from Guys

8 Questions Our Men’s Health Physicians Hear Most from Guys

“Anything else you’d like to talk about?” It’s a prompt you might often get from your doctor when wrapping up a routine visit. And it’s usually the best opportunity to bring up those questions you’ve been eager to ask—and who better to ask than the physician with whom...
A Good Night’s Sleep

A Good Night’s Sleep

To remain healthy, your child needs to get adequate sleep—restful, uninterrupted sleep. “The two biggest goals for sleep medicine are to make sure kids get enough sleep for their age, and to make sure it’s good sleep,” explains Dwayne Henry, MD, pediatric sleep...