Women and Long COVID: Learning About Your Risk

Women and Long COVID: Learning About Your Risk

If you or someone you love has ever had COVID-19, you might be aware that symptoms can last long after the onset of infection. Symptoms may persist for four to 12 weeks after diagnosis, and sometimes even longer. Women are more likely than men to experience long...
Breast Density: Know Your Body and Your Breast Cancer Risk

Breast Density: Know Your Body and Your Breast Cancer Risk

Knowing whether you have dense breasts can help you better understand your risk of breast cancer. New rules from the Food and Drug Administration empower women to make informed decisions about breast health by requiring mammography facilities to notify patients about...
Ditching Bad Habits

Ditching Bad Habits

You don’t have to wait until the start of a new year to create resolutions to better yourself. Usually healthy resolutions involve adjusting behavior that’s negatively affecting your health. Take action to take control of your health and leave your bad habits in the...
HPV Vaccinations Prevent Cancer and Save Lives

HPV Vaccinations Prevent Cancer and Save Lives

Vaccines have been top-of-mind during the global pandemic, but another vaccine has huge benefits too – preventing a virus that causes certain types of cancer. May S. Thomassee, MD, gynecologist and minimally invasive gynecologic surgeon with Lourdes Physician Group,...