What Screenings Should Men Get?

Jun 24, 2024 | Primary Care

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We know that men sometimes avoid going to the doctor — often until it’s too late. But starting a relationship with a primary care provider now can set you up for a lifetime of good health. That relationship is also the key to getting the right health screenings at the right time based on your age group. 

“Hope isn’t a good strategy for success in business. Why would it be any different when it comes to your health?” says Curtis Chastain, MD, of Our Lady of the Lake Physician Group Men’s Health and Executive Wellness Center. “The goal of being healthy should be strategic and purposeful, just like a business plan. I tell my clients to make themselves their next successful business, and that starts with a comprehensive checkup.”

Below, we break down which screenings should be part of your checkup, when to receive them and why they’re important to men’s health.

Men's Health Screenings by Age

We also know that sometimes, these conversations with a primary care provider can be difficult or uncomfortable at first. Their job is to listen and offer solutions, but also investigate some of the potential underlying causes for their patients’ concerns — and that can’t happen without some honest “real talk.”

The good news is, you’re probably not the first person to ask your primary care provider these questions.

We asked Dr. Chastain to share some of the most common questions he gets from men who visit him at the Men’s Health and Executive Wellness Center. Check out some of those questions here.

What screenings do you need? Start the conversation with a primary care provider close to you.

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