College Health Articles

Primary Care is for Everyone

Your primary care provider is more than just a healthcare professional — they can become your health’s best friend, guiding you every step of your healthcare journey. Katie Doggett, NP, joined us to share insights about primary care in this episode of The Doctor Will...

The Power of Primary Care

Take the first step to take care of your health and start a relationship with a primary care provider. It’s incredibly important. That’s the message from podcast guest Lauren Barfield, MD, senior medical director of adult primary care for our health system and...

5 Reasons You Need a PCP, Especially if You’re a Woman

Welcome to the world of adulting, where taking charge of your health becomes essential.  You may have heard the term "PCP" or "GP” floating around the healthcare space. Primary care physician, or PCP, simply means a doctor who handles your general health needs, from...

Sudden Wrist Pain? Might Be Smartphone Tendonitis

More than 6.4 billion people throughout the world own smartphones, making it easy to stay connected. While there are many benefits to smartphone use, it can also pose problems — including to your physical health. Many people are experiencing a condition experts have...