7 Ways Women Can Prioritize Their Health

May 10, 2023 | Women's Health

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Women make time for so much in life – organizing children’s after-school activities, helping coworkers with difficult projects and ensuring everyone in your family keeps up with routine medical care, to name a few.

To be able to devote time to those things, however, women need good health. Celebrate National Women’s Health Week by resolving to make your health a priority year-round.

Why Is National Women’s Health Week Important?

Each year, National Women’s Health Week is a time to highlight women’s unique health needs and encourage women to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Don’t just devote a week to your health. Use National Women’s Health Week as a starting point for a new approach to caring for yourself.

Like many women, you may spend much of your time caring for people who depend on you, from your children and spouse or partner to your aging parents. Neglecting your own health, however, may leave you less able to be there for the people you love. That’s why National Women’s Health Week is important —  it’s a reminder that your health comes first.

 7 Ways to Celebrate National Women’s Health Week

Wondering how you can celebrate National Women’s Health Week while taking steps to improve your overall health? Here are some suggestions:

  • Ask the expert. In addition to your annual well-woman exam, make sure you take time for a primary care visit where you and your healthcare provider can discuss your health.
  • Check your blood pressure. Monitoring your blood pressure can help you stay on top of your heart health.
  • Find an exercise buddy. Regular physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk for a variety of health conditions. Exercising with a friend is fun and will keep you both accountable.
  • Make time for your mental health. Do something each day you find relaxing or uplifting.
  • Schedule screenings. Make an appointment for a screening mammogram, bone density scan or another recommended health screening. 
  • Spread the word. National Women’s Health Week doesn’t have an official color, but you can show your support by wearing a shirt or accessory with a women’s health message and sharing photos on social media. You can also talk with your friends and family members about the importance of women’s health.
  • Try meal prepping. Preparing healthy meals to enjoy during the week can help you adopt healthy eating habits. While giving your diet a healthy makeover, be sure to include foods rich in vitamin D and calcium for bone health. Dairy products, such as milk and yogurt, are good sources of both.

Middle Management: Staying Healthy in the Sandwich Generation

If you’re a member of the Sandwich Generation—people, often women, who care for their children and aging parents at the same time—prioritizing your health can be especially challenging. Doing so, however, is important not only so you can thrive, but also so you can continue caregiving.

These steps can help you put your health first while easing the caregiving load:

  • Ask friends or family members to help by running errands for you or sitting with a loved one so you can take a break.
  • Follow the tenets of a healthy lifestyle, including exercising regularly and eating nutritious meals and snacks.
  • Keep your medical appointments so you can stay on top of your health.
  • Make time each day to do something just for you, whether it’s going for a walk, reading a book or taking an online class. 
  • Stay social by texting or video chatting with friends and family if you can’t find time for in-person visits.

Ready to put your health first? Connect with a primary care provider in your area.

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