Let’s face it. Your health needs can happen at the worst times: after hours, on the weekends, when you’re on the road or just generally...
Primary Care Articles
Ringing in the Ears: Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It
Have you heard ringing in your ears, buzzing, whistling or other sounds that don’t come from an outside source? If so, you may be one of...
How the Art of Listening Leads to Personalized Primary Care
Over time, listening forms a bond of trust between a patient and their healthcare provider, leading to more personalized care and...
Healthy Aging with Technology
The aging process is inevitable, and some people are more susceptible to declines in health than others. However, everyone can take...
Family Medical History: Building Your Family Tree
Genealogy, or the study of family history, is a hobby that has fascinated millions of people for countless generations. Knowing where we...
What Men Should Know About Concierge Medicine at Our Lady of the Lake
Keeping up with a busy schedule is difficult for many of us. For men in high-powered positions or with major business responsibilities,...
Serious Falls at Work Are Common, Here’s How to Avoid Them
We all slip up every now and then. But falls can be serious business in the workplace—for you and for your place of work, too. According...
When Should Men Start Worrying About Their Prostate?
There are some routine medical exams that are just, well, unpleasant or uncomfortable. A throat swab, a cardiac stress test, a pelvic...
What Type of Care? It’s Tricky, But We’re Here to Help
Without fail, your child will start coughing or spike a fever at the least opportune time, like a Friday evening after a long week at...