Primary Care Articles

All the Easy Ways You Can Access Our Care

Let’s face it. Your health needs can happen at the worst times: after hours, on the weekends, when you’re on the road or just generally outside of the normal 9 to 5. Fortunately, our health system is committed to providing high-quality healthcare that is easy to...

Ringing in the Ears: Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It

Have you heard ringing in your ears, buzzing, whistling or other sounds that don’t come from an outside source? If so, you may be one of many people in the United States — estimates range from 10% to 25% of adults, according to the National Institute on Deafness and...

How the Art of Listening Leads to Personalized Primary Care

Over time, listening forms a bond of trust between a patient and their healthcare provider, leading to more personalized care and long-lasting relationships. Mary Kathryn Edwards, NP, works at the St. Francis Primary Care Clinic and shares her approach to providing...

Healthy Aging with Technology

The aging process is inevitable, and some people are more susceptible to declines in health than others. However, everyone can take certain steps to maintain better health as they age—and many people are doing it with the help of technology. New medical technology has...