Healthy Habits for Healthy Breasts

Healthy Habits for Healthy Breasts

It’s never too early to think about your breast health and take steps to improve your overall health, which decreases your risk of many cancers. No. 1: Eat Better Eat more fruits and vegetables and less saturated fat. Women with more fruits and veggies in their daily...
How Breasts Change Over Time

How Breasts Change Over Time

Your breasts are a complex system of glands and ducts, which also includes your nipple. Underneath each breast is muscle, as well as fibrous tissue that separates it from your ribs. Breasts are rarely equal in size. In fact, one breast is usually about one fifth...
Breast Cancer Myths – Busted

Breast Cancer Myths – Busted

Experts from the National Cancer Institute help us “pop” some breast cancer myths. Myth No. 1  Finding a lump in your breast means you have breast cancer.  The Truth: Only a small percentage of breast lumps turn out to be cancer. But if you discover a persistent lump...
Lifestyle Changes to Decrease the Chance of Breast Cancer

Lifestyle Changes to Decrease the Chance of Breast Cancer

Try to incorporate these recommendations into your routine and you’ll be on your way to not only reducing your risk of breast cancer but also living a more all-around healthy lifestyle. Limit Alcohol                             The more glasses of alcohol you...
The Signs of Breast Cancer

The Signs of Breast Cancer

Know what to look for when it comes to signs of breast cancer. Don’t neglect your monthly self examinations. They could save your life. These self exams should involve more than just feeling your breasts for lumps. Consult the following infographic to learn ways...