Talking About Lent with Kids

Talking About Lent with Kids

In Louisiana our kids get school breaks for Mardi Gras and Easter, but they may not understand the Lenten season between those two holidays or Ash Wednesday that begins the season.  As a Catholic health system, we know Lent is about so much more. Sharing the Lenten...
Skip the Meat But Keep the Flavor this Season

Skip the Meat But Keep the Flavor this Season

Every Friday in Lent, Catholics follow the tradition of only eating seafood or otherwise eating meatless meals as a symbolic gesture of abstinence. But whether or not you adhere to this tradition, the practice of limiting your meat consumption—especially red meat—has...
Lenten Spiritual Disciplines for Health and Wellness

Lenten Spiritual Disciplines for Health and Wellness

The season of Lent is a journey within the Christian calendar, the 40 days plus six Sundays leading up to Easter. That liturgical season is primarily focused on the process of spiritual growth, movement from one state of being to another, movement from one point of...