Mindfulness For a Better Life

Mindfulness For a Better Life

Our modern lives are full of activities, obligations, and deadlines. It’s easy to feel anxious or even experience some depression.  When these feelings become overwhelming there are mental health resources and professionals who can help. But, for most of us,...
Healthier Screen Time Habits

Healthier Screen Time Habits

In today’s digital age screens are an integral part of daily life for many teens and tweens through technology in school, social media use and other apps on smart phones. While screen time has value in education, connection and entertainment, excessive screen time can...
Do You Have Seasonal Depression?

Do You Have Seasonal Depression?

Some people look forward to the change of seasons, when the weather becomes crisp and cool, making for shorter days and cozy nights. Others may notice a change in their mood when the weather turns and there’s less daylight. In fact, for some people, these changes can...
How to Cope with Back-to-School Anxiety

How to Cope with Back-to-School Anxiety

Transitions can be hard, and children may experience anxiety when heading back to school after summer vacation. Anxiety is a part of being human. Managing and reducing that anxiety—and your own—in the face of the transition back to school is doable. We’ve gathered...
No Bully Zone – Teaching Kids to Be Inclusive

No Bully Zone – Teaching Kids to Be Inclusive

Learning how to be a good friend is a life skill all kids can develop. Bullying is never OK. We’ve gathered some tips to help parents support their kids to hopefully avoid bullying and minimize any impact it may have. Why Do Kids Bully? Bullying is being mean to...