Eating Well Articles

Unlock the Power of Fiber to Boost Your Digestive Health

Fiber plays a crucial role in maintaining good health and proper digestion. Use these practical tips to incorporate more fiber into your daily life and improve your overall well-being. Fiber 101 Fiber is the indigestible material found in plant foods. It’s also known...

Hidden Sugars in Plain Sight: Keep an Eye on Added Sugar

Does your favorite food have more sugar than you realize? “Hidden” sugars could be sneaking into your daily diet without you even knowing. Even if you think you’re eating a relatively healthy diet, that might not always be the case and you’ll want to watch out for how...

7 Delicious and Nutritious Snacks to Fuel Your Kids’ Summer Fun

Swimming and playing in the water always work up an appetite. Snacking by the pool is one of the best things about summer. What makes a great summer pool snack? It has to be portable, not too messy, easy to eat, and nutritious and satisfying. We’ve got seven ideas to...

6 Healthy Eating Ideas from Your Spring Garden

Maybe you started a garden earlier this year because of all the warm weather we’ve been having. Or you’ve followed the rule of thumb to wait until after Easter to begin planting. Either way, you should be seeing a lot of fresh springtime produce sprouting up in the...