Mind Articles

When Can Kids Start Safely Using Adult Medicine?

Headaches, fevers and allergies – oh my! Little kids’ symptoms can sometimes feel very big, but when is it appropriate for a child to start taking the grown-up version of common medicines?  Jericho Bell, MD, St. Dominic’s pediatrician, provides answers to parents’...

Navigating Tough Times: 3 Tips to Help Kids Cope if They Witness Trauma

​​​​​​Resilience is your capacity to rise above tough circumstances, and helping our kids become more resilient is an important part of the parenting journey. While children are naturally resilient, they can still be deeply affected by tragedy in the news or...

Create Memories in the Kitchen: Easy Pie Recipes for Families

Healthy family habits can also include room for life’s sweet moments – and what could be sweeter than pie? In honor of Pi Day, March 14, we’ve collected a few recipes to test out with your kids in the kitchen. Pull out the aprons, roll up your sleeves and get ready...

Exercise for Teenagers: What Parents Should Know

Exercise for teenagers is a great way to help your children become healthy adults. However, your kids may not need to exercise as long as you think to get the full benefit. New research claims it doesn’t take long for teens to get the physical activity they need. They...
Memory Loss

Memory Loss

Memory loss can be a persistent problem for people. To take the first step toward addressing memory loss, learn more about how memory loss...

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